The Wright Family – Edwardsville Family Photography
If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you know this family is another that we’ve had the privilege of photographing several times and watching these kiddos get bigger every time. I love that!!
This time around – we were focusing on the little guy’s 1st birthday! But we still snagged a few great family shots and some of just the kids before busting out the balloons and birthday cake. Those adorable images will be coming next – too many to put them all in one post!
This first is definitely in the running for favorite image of the year!
This little lady is more beautiful and more of a rock star in front of the camera every year! Last year I took this image of her:
And that fall she helped me snag First Place in the Edwardsville Photography Contest! We’ll see if this little face doesn’t lead to another blue ribbon this fall!
His little hands folded like that in the top left image just kill me. Don’t you just want to reach through your computer and squeeze him?! Oh ma jeeze.
There was construction going on it building they are sitting in front of (they’re sitting in a window box if you can’t tell…) and to my delight, it turned out to be an ice cream shop! It’s called Scoops and I highly suggest you stop by.
When we first moved to Edwardsville, I was dismayed to find NO hard serve ice cream. All custard and soft serve and the over-priced loveliness that is Cold Stone. So I converted to custard but still longed for a scoop of Superman or Rainbow Sherbert or Peppermint served rock-hard out of a freezer case.
So thank you, Scoops of Edwardsville, for making my life complete. Or at least the ice cream component of my life. My health and bank account are now in question but who really cares about that stuff – they have dark chocolate hard serve people!!
Sorry. Back to the beautiful family photos…
Part way through the session I told Mr. Jack that I only had room on the schedule for a few more family photo sessions in Edwardsville this fall. And he was all…
And I was all, “I know right?! But hey there’s still a few spots so hopefully some awesome families will give us a call and we’ll take advantage of beautiful fall light and vibrant fall color!”
And Jack was all…
Check back later to see Jack’s Cake Smash Session! You’ll like it.