Anniversary Photos for Jackie & Jay

July 1, 2016

I get sappy over basically all the things these days. Being a wedding photographer while pregnant gives me ample opportunity to tear up, choke up or straight up sob over the love shared between people I have never freaking met before. Prime tear time? The Anniversary Dance. Frequently replacing bouquet/garter tosses at wedding receptions, or being added to the mix of festivities, these dances are often set to a medley of perfectly sappy slow songs (Dear Alan Jackson: Knock it off. I’m embarrassing myself.) and draw married couples of all ages to the dance floor.  Here they sway and dance while the DJ calls out a number of years married, dismissing the couples set by set until there are just two or three couples left. Usually they’ve been married 45 years or better. Sometimes they’ve surpassed the 50 year mark. You guys, I loose my shit over this. This is what I live for. Imagine the stories no one asks them to tell. My wild imagination fills in those 50 years with the stuff of epic romance novels (or Alan Jackson love songs) and if I don’t divert my thoughts to poopy diapers or foods I’m currently adverse to, I will cry like an idiot behind my camera.

Let’s not even talk about father-daughter dances. I can’t even. Besides, my point is: anniversaries!

They’re really a natural extension of my main job right? But unfortunately, we don’t get all that many anniversary sessions. Until now! I’ve got two of them to show you today!!

Anniversary sessions are the BEST idea. Five years, ten, twenty – whatever. Marriage is a tough job worth celebrating! Capture that goodness and show it off to your kids and grandkids. Your story does not become less interesting after your wedding and newborn photos – it keeps getting more interesting, more complicated…there’s more to tell. Keep capturing it and keep telling that story in photos!

Without further sappy blabbing on my part, lets get to good stuff!

Ten years (today!!) for these two and look at those smiles!!


Shut the hell up with how cute they are!!!

I texted Jackie earlier this week and said, “I’m crying like an idiot in Starbucks because you guys are just so damn cute.”

I quickly texted her a second time to clarify that I was working from Starbucks, lest she think I was just sitting around sipping my espresso and thinking about how cute she and Jay are. That would be super creepy of me. But probably not surprising to Jackie.



Basically this whole family is awesome. We share genes, so I’m biased, but still.




I last photographed that little dude when he was 7 months old. What the hell?! As you can see, he’s 25 now.


You should really laugh when having your family photos taken. Important and serious are not the same thing!


Favorite below!!! Jacqueline we will be discussing make this GIANT and displaying it in your house.






Accurate sibling photos are my jam.



When I was taking the smoochy photo below little dude told sister not to worry, that it wasn’t real kissing, it was just for a picture. Ha!!


A very happy anniversary to Jackie & Jay, I hope you have a wonderful day and wonderful year and many more to come! Much love to you all!!


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