Bloomington, Il Wedding: Ashley + Tim
I’m excited to share Ashley and Tim’s very snazzy, very rainy, Bloomington, IL wedding with you.
Rain on a wedding day usually isn’t that big of a deal. At most, it means we need to make some adjustments to the photo timeline to better cooperate with the forecast. But on Ashley and Tim’s wedding day, there was no adjustment that was going to get us dry wedding photos. It rained the. entire. day. Every single minute of the entire day. So you know, we just did what needed doing.
But I’ll tell you what concerned me… The number of times I was asked on the wedding day and the day or two after if we “got any pictures.”
Um. What?
Seriously. Probably a dozen different folks, upon hearing that we’d shot a wedding on such a wet day, asked if we took any photos.
Is it ideal? Not really.
Is it tricky? It sure can be.
Does it require a good attitude and relaxed, flexible nature on the part of everyone involved? Absolutely.
Will the photos from a rainy day be different than the photos from a sunny day? Well, um, yeah.
But there should still be photos!
So let’s take a look at how we did, indeed, take photos on the rainiest wedding day ever…
I loved these royal blue silk robes!!
Capturing the rainy day feel in the detail images…
I love getting to watch mamas see their babies in their wedding gowns for the first time. Always a reminder that I have a very, very cool job!!
So once everyone was in their finery, we hit the pavement looking for just the right spot that would offer nice lighting and keep everyone dry.
A lot of time couples stress over where we are going to shoot their images in terms of what the background looks like. And if you have your way and we’re shooting in perfect weather at the perfect time of day (which basically never happens on a wedding day), then by all means, give consideration to the background. But in all other cases, the perfect spot to shoot wedding portraits is the spot with the really good light. A well-lit cardboard box would result in a more beautiful image than a perfectly manicured garden with shitty lighting. Trust your photographer when picking locations!
Anywho… This here overhangy, portico, entrance-mahjiggy turned out to be just the right spot for all of the important images! The wedding was at The Chateau in Bloomington and it offered a few different outdoor locations that made dealing with the rainy photos much easier!
Snazzy group, right?! I’m loving this deep blue and I’m loving the pockets in the dresses!
Even the little people were stylin!
Gorgeous!! These two are such a classy pair.
Time to get marriaged… So here’s how this went down.
Grandpa get’s her down the aisle:
They’re happy to see each other, he thinks she looks like a million bucks:
Things get serious. There’s preaching and praying and reading of the Good Word:
Then the pastor makes a joke that…well…let’s just say I don’t think she intended to make it.
And the entire place loses it and 25% of the people pee their pants just a little…
Those are my favorite ceremony photos EVER.
So then they kiss and turn to face their fans, I mean guests, and are celebrated with the loudest, longest, most genuine round of clapping, whistling and cheering I have ever witnessed at the end of a ceremony. These two people are loved and liked. And yes, Virginia, there is a difference.
It’s the difference in people attending your wedding ceremony because they love you and people cheering like you’re a pair of rock stars because they really freaking like you.
By the time we got back to The Chateau for their portraits it was not only raining, but also windy and cold! As you can see, they did not care.
They’re just so-so at dancing.
She could really use help in the rhythm department.
Annnnd we’ve reached the part of the program where I throw a bridesmaid under the bus for totally stealing the bouquet from the sweet little flower girl.
That’s right, Mary. You know what you did.
A huge congratulations to Ashley and Tim on your marriage and on being the most well-liked people ever. Thanks for being so damn cool about it raining on your big day; you guys rock.