Bringing Sexy Back

March 21, 2011

I recently held my very first boudoir shoots and I am so so excited to share the results with you!

If you aren’t familiar with boudoir photography, I’ll explain…

Currently, boudoir is all the rage for brides-to-be and ladies on the lookout for unique, jaw-dropping, heart-rate raising gift for their men. Sessions are unique to the gal and range from fun and flirty to hot, hot, hot. But they’re always classy. We aren’t looking to make contributions to Penthouse over here. To Victoria’s Secret maybe, but that’s where the line is drawn.

Ready to see what I’m talking about?? I bet you are – here’s the skinny. I’m password protecting all boudoir blog posts for a few reasons. For one, I understand that some people may be sensitive to this type of image. Like your 11 year old son who might be hanging out over your shoulder. Or your boss, you might pop into your office at just the wrong time. Now there’s nothing obscene about these photos, you won’t see any more skin here than you would at the beach. But the poses are suggestive, so it isn’t exactly a day at the beach.

The posts will appear as always but will say “Protected…” yada yada – the password will be located in the title. Just enter it and your in. You can link to the first one here!

The photos posted here are all done with permission from the client and their faces are not shown to protect their privacy. If you are interested in booking a session for yourself, contact me and I can share a private gallery with you so that you can view the full results of a session and get a look at the gorgeous portrait-style photos that result from these sessions as well.

Cheers to bringing sexy back and boosting the confidence of daring gals everywhere!

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