Lyssa & Cipi’s Lafayette Square Engagement Photos

July 11, 2011

What’s this? A new blog post? Have mercy!

Been a little crazy round here folks, the blog has been neglected. Time to play catch up. Funny thing about a photo blog is that when there’s nothing new posted, it looks like I’m not doing anything. Like say, taking photos. When in reality it is because I have taken so many photos that I have given up sleeping and eating in efforts to keep up. Okay, you’re right, I’d never give up eating.

On to the photos…

There are lots, because I love them all! It is an awesome, awesome thing to take photographs for your friends! I hope some day a long time from now when we’re all old and gray, Lyssa and Cipi’s great grand children find these tucked away in some old crusty album and are amazed at how young, hot and in love they were way back then. Cus by then they will be old and wrinkly and bickering across the room at each other from matching recliners  : )

Love the laughs in the next one!  I heart laughing pictures!!

Two because I couldn’t pick just one…

I have to tell you about this next one. See I got them all situated just so in the middle of this alley. Then I backed up a ways and laid down in the alley. So at this point really I’m just trying not to get run over and Lyssa and Cipi are trying to maintain some level of respect for my abilities. I’m sure they were starting to questions this. I had them posed under a basketball hoop and just near a dumpster. So anyway…I say, give me your best serious faces!! And they do, and it lasts for less than 2 seconds because then the garage door next to them shot open. After that there were only laughing photos : ) Really though, imagine you just wander out to your car and hop in, all ready to run to the store, flip up your garage door and all you see are these two people standing like this. No photographer in view. Just these two people. Over dressed for dumpster diving. Having this very odd moment in your alley…

Ahh! I LOVE the next one!

Lyssa you are crazy gorgeous!!!

I’m obsessed with the next one…her hair in particular. Totally obsessed. It’s perfect!!

Quick outfit change…

That graffiti wall is a real gem…must return soon.

PS – If you’re thinking of fall photos (everyone’s fave photo time!) now is the time to book. Minimal number of openings in September and a handful through October and November!

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