Mark & Shelsey – Dwight Engagement Photos
Well you’ve probably had just about enough of my sentimental jabber after my brother’s wedding photos yesterday. But I must warn you, there’s more to come… Today I’m sharing engagement photos of my brother-in-law and his almost-wife. Then after that, I’ve got some awesome 9-month-old photos of my Godbaby. Then its on to my college roommate’s maternity photos. What can I say? There’s just a LOT of LOVE going around this month!! And believe you me, I am eating it up!!
I’ve looked forward to taking Mark and Shelsey’s engagement photos for a very long time. Part of that is because Shelsey has been hugely supportive of me from day one when I started taking photos. She’s always reading my blog, letting me know which photos she loves, asking how the business is going. It means MUCHO to me. So I’ve been pumped for a long while to give her and Mark some photos of their own!
Also, it will help you to understand that Zac and I and Mark and Shelsey have all “gone together” if you will, since high school. Yup…we’re those people. And we love it. It’s quite handy actually because unlike most girls, I’ve never had to tear anyone’s face out of my scrapbook.
I have, however, recently removed a page from my high school scrapbook…especially for this occasion. You’ll have to read on for that. Back to the recent photos…
Off we went a few weekends back to the giant metropolis of Dwight, IL. I gotta say, one of my very favorite places to shoot. Love me some Dwight.
Our first stop was an open park for some grassy goodness. And wouldn’t you know the grass was covered in pretty purple violets. Violets always instantly make me think of my mom-in-law, so I was happy to see them there, making a beautiful mark on these photos…
Perfect example of why you want the Maggie Medema Photography TEAM taking your photos? Above photo courtesy of Zac, below photo courtesy yours truly. Taken at the exact same time.
Another double take: Above, Zac’s. Below, Mine.
The tree in these next two is at their ceremony site! Love that!
Double Take: Above, Zac’s. Below, mine.
This next one is exactly why I am in love with Dwight!!
This next one is getting framed for my house!! Favorite!
Another husband shot below. LOVE!
Well hey there stunners…
Girl got her some bling…
Thank you both so much for sharing your Saturday with us and letting us take your photos!!
Shelsey…its been awesome going from homecoming dresses to wedding dresses with you!
Does anyone else want to see that from one more angle?? Oh the classic dance pose…
Holy shit that’s funny.
But be warned before you comment…if there’s any chance you appear in my scrapbook as well you might want to bite your tongue. Just saying…
Anyway, in all seriousness…
I’m so lucky to have you both as a part of my family. It’s a funny thing because you don’t give it much thought, but you just never know who your family will turn out to be. You get the folks you’re born to or with, and you pick your spouse…but you never know who else is going to come along.
Ten years ago (yes, my friends, ten years ago) the four of us went to Six Flags together. Riding back to Streator in that hugemondo van, I probably wouldn’t have guessed we’d all be celebrating the rest of our Christmases together. But I’m certain now, it’s all coming together exactly as it was meant to.
Who would have thought our lives would have been a crazier ride than the ones we went on that day? But we’ve certainly had our ups and downs and you guys have been a constant source of support and friendship all along the way.
So no matter how it comes to be, here’s to family!
Much love to you both, we can’t wait to celebrate your wedding day!