Meghan – Alton Senior Photos
I am pumped to share these photos with you!!
This is Meghan, our Alton area senior rep! Meghan killed these photos. For serious. She was an absolute blast to work with and really, aside from being ridiculously amazing your senior photos should be fun!
I think senior portrait sessions are one of my absolute favorite things to shoot. I love people this age, I love the trendy outfits and I looooove close up portraits. Happy sigh.
This year I’ve made a special effort to keep space open in my schedule for senior sessions (lesson learned last year!) but there’s not that much room, so if you are wanting some of these bad boys for yourself or for your senior, now is the time to get in touch and set up a session. There is limited availability for the remainder of the summer as well as space in the fall. If you know Meghan, get in touch with her before you book, she’s a rep so she’s got the hook up!
Check out these shots, leave some comment love for Meghan and then check out the details on senior sessions at the end of the post!
Gah! Love the next one! Gorgeous, gorgeous!!!
Hey there, sassyness!! Love it!
The skinny on senior sessions…
You can go the traditional route and book an individual session (current rate is $150) which lasts 1.5 hours and in the case of seniors, includes up to 4 different outfits. After your session, you can order prints, albums, products and digital files individually as you see fit.
Or you book the Fabulous Senior Package which is, obviously, ridiculous awesome. It also represents a great savings on this years hottest senior products. And of course, you’ll still be able to purchase whatever prints or other items you’d like after your session.
Check out this blog post for details and photos of the mentioned Organic Bloom frame and the Little Kiss albums.
Looking forward to a very fun senior season! Remember to book early!