Preview: Kristen & Matt Say “I Do” – Streator Wedding Photography
It has admittedly been a bit quiet around these parts lately! Let me assure you that is not a realistic reflection of what it has actually been like in my office! In reality, it’s been 50 Shade of Crazy. (See how I did that? Now when people google 50 Shades of something else I’ll get some hits!).
But as I play catch up from a busy summer and deliver photos to some fabulous clients, I figured I’d give you just a quick glance at some shots from a recent Streator wedding. Think of it as an appetizer because in another week or so, I’ll be all caught up and you are going to feast on new blog posts!
Kristen and Matt got married in July. When it was hot. Thankfully not when it was HOT like someone else’s wedding was (ahem…Jen & Miles) but it was still toasty and summery and the light was pretty and it was just an all around fun day. Fun couple, fun kiddos, fun bridal party – just the way I like it!
Kristen and I went to school together. And not just high school. Like allll the way back. Pleated plaid skirts and polo shirts and Mass-every-Wednesday way back. I doubt that some 20 years ago anyone would have guessed that I would photograph Kristen’s wedding. Probably they didn’t guess I would shoot Kristen and her groom in poses that included ass grabbing, smoking, and drinking. But that’s exactly what I did. Because that’s what Catholic school does to a pair of girls.
For all mama’s and grandmama’s and sensible aunties out there…don’t get too riled up. I have oodles of appropriate, beautiful, traditional photos too. These ones are just more fun ; ) Especially on a Tuesday. We aren’t even half way to the weekend folks. We could all use a smoke and a lil ass grab, am I right?
Exhibit A: Smokin’ and Drinkin’
I envisioned the above photo…oh…probably 3 years ago. And I’ve wanted to take it ever since. But it required just the right setting and just the right couple. I knew these two were bad ass enough to pull it off. I also knew they wouldn’t think I was too insane or would happily tell me to get lost if they hated the idea. Thankfully they didn’t because I love this photo BIG much. Favorite. Favorite, favorite.
Exhibit B: The Ass Grab
I love this. That the groom and best man are in uniform takes it to a whole new level of love for me. Zac asked me later where I got the idea. I will honestly and openly admit I get a lot of ideas from Pinterest…but this one was all mine. Basically, I think anything done in a military uniform looks 100 times cooler than in normal clothes. And at some point, I saw those two fist bump or high five or something and I liked the image that resulted…so I just had to take it one step farther : ) (Farther? Further? Farther? What the hell…)
Gorgeous flowers courtesy of Flowers Plus in Streator. If you are getting married anywhere near Streator and Flowers Plus is not doing your flowers, you’re flippin’ crazy.
I call this one, El Camino Sunset : ) ha. Really though, you can’t understand the excitement I felt when Kristen oh-so-casually said, “Can we take photos with my uncle’s old El Camino?” Um, that would be a yes. There are more fabulous shots from our little trip to the parking lot, but you’ll have to stick around to see those!
Gorgeous!!! Love it. Told you I took some traditional ones too : )
That’s it for now, kids. Keep an eye on the facebook page so you know when all the new posts start flyin’! We’re gonna have some fun around here.
PS – Our Early Booking Special for 2013 weddings has been extended through the end of September! Get in touch for details!
PSS – Do you still have coupons hanging around from Christmas? Share ’em and use ’em, baby! Now is the time to be booking fall family, children’s and senior sessions and there aren’t many spots left. But there are spaces for a few more Edwardsville photo sessions. Streator folks…not so much, but still let know if you’re interested and we’ll see what we can do.