Rural Illinois Engagement Photos – Keith + Natalie
I’m about to go on a full-on blogging blitz in an attempt to catch up… So forgive me if the next several posts are narrated with a brief “Photos are below.”
In an ideal world, I would draft stunning paragraphs about every session. I would entertain you with tidbits and tales of my time capturing every client. I might even use fancy words and advance psychology to convince you that you need to have your photo taken, immediately, by no one other than myself.
In the real world, there aren’t enough hours in the day or caffeine in my coffee. My choices are to sit on piles of gorgeous photos, waiting to share them until I have the time to blog them just right or to get over it, just share the images with you and then get back to the 20 other things I didn’t finish yesterday. Only one of those choices actually leads to blogging and sharing new content with you. So I’m just sharing the images. Quickly. But know that there are funny stories and tidbits and tales and sneaky yet benign psychological tricks that you’re missing out on.
Maybe I’ll come back when things slow down and fill in these posts with all the things I want to tell you. Let’s go with that plan.
Photos, a thousands words, whatever… Here we go…
Keith. Natalie. His parent’s homestead. Beauty. Lovely people. Excited for wedding. The end.