Share those photos!!
Hey ya’ll!! We are loving all the photos!! Be sure to upload to the group Shutterfly site!!
We love that they are on Facebook because, lets be honest, we want everyone and their brother to know how fabulous it was. But we can’t order prints from Facebook! So follow the directions below and upload them there too, its quick and easy!
Also be sure to look through everyone else’s albums while you’re on the Shutterfly site – if you see any you’d like to have for yourself, go ahead and order them! They ship to your house or your local target!
Shutterfly Directions:
password: pictures
Click “Add Photos” near the top of the page!
Many many thanks for sharing!! We’re going to make some fabulous photo albums with these! And I promise, I’m going to upload mine tomorrow!!! Lots of great ones from the pizza party!