Sneak Peak: Times 2
This past weekend I got to spend time with two seniors. They were quite possibly as different as two sessions could be! I had a blast with both of them. This sneak peak was only supposed to be 3 or 4 of each of them but I have a photo addiction so there are a lot more than that.
Let’s begin by talking about what a rock star Gladys is:
For those of you who don’t know, Gladys is the chair.
Not the guy in the chair. His name is Alex. Not Gladys.
Although that would be more fun.
Don’t Kayla and Gladys look fabulous together? I love dark, shadowy pictures.
Although folks aren’t usually looking for pictures in which you can’t make out the person’s face. So I try to limit my dark, shadowy indulgence and focus on showing off pretty faces.
Like these:
Those are Alex’s cows. Some seniors want to include their volleyball or baseball
glove in a few shots to commemorate their high school extra curricular activities.
Alex wanted to include his cows. How I adore farm boys.
And what’s a farm boy without a big truck…
A farm boy without a big truck is like a high school girl without attitude….
…no such thing.
Please note the effectiveness of not one, but two, Private Property signs.
If you are trying to protect your property from me, don’t bother.
I will trespass if clients are willing to risk arrest for a good photo.
Kayla was willing as you can see. And Alex, well, he was willing to risk
his neck and go to serious heights…
I love how dramatic the sky is.
I have been wanting to shoot photos with hay bales for a very long time.
Mission accomplished. I can’t say I had been dying to shoot in front
of old rail cars turned garbage dumpsters but hey, it works.
That tractor is crazy old and crazy awesome. I think that when Zac finishes grad school and we move off to who-knows-where I’ll request that we get a farm where I can keep vintage tractors, silos, giant hay bales and slew of old, oddly colored furniture. I’ll call it my studio. But don’t worry. I won’t start calling my self an “artist.” I think Zac will go for that. I really do.
Can my studio also include a pink brick wall? Why is this wall pink?!?
It was next to a auto shop. Odd.
There’s Casey again! That’s the happiest farm dog you ever did see. And would you look at how happy Alex is when he’s with his dog?! In every photo I have of Alex with his Casey he looks as happy as a bird with a french fry. Dogs do that to people.
That barn is perfect.
Spring Lake is also perfect.
Except for high levels of ecoli. Other than that, it’s perfect.
That’s all for now! More of both Alex and Kayla to come! If you like what you see shoot me an email or give me a call! I still have summer openings for seniors or families in the Streator area (weekend sessions only) and I have lots of time left for folks in the Edwardsville/St. Louis area (weekdays or weekends).
I can’t wrap this post though without one more photo. Alex and his family (or maybe his family’s neighbors, I’m not sure) have a deer. As in, they have it in a pen and it’s like some sort of pet. Like a dog, but taller and with really skinny legs. It’s name is Buckaroo and it is beautiful:
Told you it was beautiful.