Sneak Peek: Lindsey & Jake
You know my rules about sneak peek posts. Five photos, max. Otherwise it might as well be a full blog post.
Well, you know what? To hell with my rules. I’m obsessed with these photos so you’re getting 8.
Are these two amazing or what?! They just seemed so….easy… and comfortable together. And it should be easy, after all, shouldn’t it? I think so.
Holy amazing barn Batman!!
If you asked me what I miss most about living in the Streator area – aside from my family and the availability of properly fried tenderloins – it would be views like this. Wide, open, flat and sweeping for miles. We’ve got fields ’round these parts…but it just isn’t the same.
Gorgeous! Which works out well cus check out this stud…
Love this one too.
I have to tell you something. (I’m feeling talky tonite!) You can’t see in this particular photo but they’re sitting on a really cute quilt. In a corn field. Now you don’t just put a cute quilt straight down into a corn field when there’s been a lot of rain, right? No, you put a tarp under it.
Or in our case, you attempt to unfold a tarp in a field and witness the almighty power of wind in Central Illinois. So anyway, we managed to get the tarp down, the blanket down and the people on it but it took all of us.
Later that night we’re driving home and Zac, in all his wisdom, says, “Your job is so amazingly random.”
I ask for clarification and he says, “Because it’s like, out of no where, there we are with 2 people we haven’t seen since high school and the four of us are wrestling a tarp in a corn field. That’s strange, right? That doesn’t just happen to most people.”
This is true. But it happens to me and I’m glad it does.
Back to the photos.
Hoodies are the best!!!