Sneak Peek: The Bruce Family
I’m getting tired of the phrase “sneak peek.” I may switch to “appetizers.” Unless someone has a better, more reasonable idea.
This past weekend we met up with the Bruce family for some fun in the unexpectedly hot April sun. I’m really (really, really) excited to share all of these photos with you but for today you’re just getting a few group shots.
And here’s what I want you to know about them…these are perfect examples of why I do what I do and why I do it the way that I do. These shots are casual, natural, happy – exactly what I promise! They look like this family probably looks at any given moment…not perfectly lined up, not all perfectly facing the camera, no perfect expression on every face. They look like a real family, just hanging out. (Casually, you know, in front of a big blue wall.) Because of that, you can instantly see their love, their relationships, their awesome little attitudes.
I’m not looking to create canned family photographs. I’m here to capture reality, exactly the way its supposed to be…perfectly imperfect : )
See! See those two boys messin’ round?! That’s what I’m talking about! I LOVE that. That’s my idea of perfect. Because you know that’s the real them. Sessions like this make me very, very excited to have a big ole family some day. It means there’s always just the right amount of happy chaos.
That might be my favorite : )
That’s all for now…more to come later in the week. Catch me now if you want some Casual . Natural . Happy photos of your very own! There are still spots open in the Edwardsville, St. Louis, O’Fallon, general Metro East area.