The Yedinak Family!

July 6, 2010

I’m kind of in love with this family. Seriously, just too much cuteness for one little family!

Meet Jeremy, Bri, Kyla and Keaton! They were just as fun as they are cute! It was a hot, soggy (Like, very, very soggy. Shooting photos in a bog, soggy.) and they were total troopers and went along with all my strange requests and never complained that their butts were damp and muddy from sitting in wet grass. I ask a lot of people.

When I have a session with kids this age, I think its fun to ask them where they want their photo taken, or in what kind of pose. It’s a fun way to get things started for kids, and well, it just cracks me up to see what they come up with.

I’ve seen all kinds of poses and heard all kinds of wild ideas. So when the Keaton all but whispered “my tree house” when I asked where he wanted his photo taken, I figured that was a pretty reasonable, tame idea.

He sprinted for the tree house and I followed behind all “I can’t WAIT to see your tree house!”

So little dude climbs up the ladder and I wait in front for him to appear.

“This is my tree house!” he announces.

“It’s lovely,” I say.

Then he pops up from behind the wall and welcomes me into his home the right way…

…with a nice cold brew. It’s okay, serving ’em up runs in the family. Anyone for fried chicken at Keaton’s on Friday?

(Before you run off and call DCFS, it was an empty can. Obviously, Bri had made Jeremy sleep in the tree house the night before and he forgot to clean up before we arrived. Nothing to worry about.)

Seriously the sweetest kids ever…

That’s Cash, the world’s largest puppy. He’s awesome and I want one just like him!

I love the umbrellas. I had to run back to the tree house and grab a beer to bribe Jeremy into holding an umbrella like that, but I’m not above bribery.

I heart the above photo. It took some effort though. Because just when I thought I had them standing the right way, holding it at just the right height, this would happen…

HA HA! He just kept poppin’ out!

She should probably be a model.

After we’d wrapped up with the first half of the photos, we decided to have the kiddos play around in a ditch full of water for some classic, country-kid-in-the-summer photos. Except we couldn’t get them in the water. It was like 10 minutes of pretty pleasing, pleading, and bribery followed by 10 minutes of me screaming “GET IN THE FREAKING DITCH!!!” (No, not really. The bribery worked before anyone had to resort to screaming.)

I can’t say they enjoyed running through the muddy ditch water, but the pictures sure are classic : )

The issue was not the muddy water. It was what was lurking in the water…

Crowfrogs, I believe they were being called. More commonly known as crawfish. (I’m right there with the kiddos though, same creepy creature no matter how ya call it!!)

I’m happy to report no one was eaten alive by a crowfrog.

Love it!!!

Much thanks to the Yedinak family for making my job so much fun!! You guys are fabulous!


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