Missouri Botanical Gardens Engagement Photos – Megan & Blake

October 29, 2015


You guys. This session. I’m obsessed. It is so fall-ish and these two are so freaking cute together! They met in grade school. How perfect is that?! Marrying someone who has known you for most of your life is the best!

We did this engagement session at the Missouri Botanical Gardens and the location was so flipping perfect. The morning weather…not so much! But these two played it cool and were totally flexible and trusted us to make this happen. Time after time – it is the couples who are ready to just go with the flow and trust us that end up with the really stellar photos. It can be easy to want to control every element of your photo experience (thanks a lot, Pinterest) but trust your photographer!

Let’s take a look…


Right when we walked up to this pretty little spot, a wall of black clouds rolled in and the wind kicked up and there were leaves and nonsense blowing all over the place. And I was all, “Oh this is fine. This is no big deal. Don’t worry!” and they were all “Okay!” and on the inside I was like “Freaking hell we are going to have to run for shelter!!” and because husband can hear my inner voice he piped up to add, “Just so you know that building you think your going to run into for shelter is made entirely of glass…” Okay fine. The Climeatron is not the best choice of storm shelters. Ultimatley, we didn’t need any shelter and the storm blew right by. All we got was some of Megan’s perfect hair blowing gently in the wind. Win.

Missouri Botanical Gardens Engagement Photos


Missouri Botanical Gardens Engagement Photos

Check out this pretty yellow loveliness!! Every time I turned around there was another gorgeous setting.

Missouri Botanical Gardens Engagement Photos

MOBOT engagement photos

Missouri Botanical Gardens Engagement Photos

MOBOT engagement photos

When I grow up, I want to look like Megan. Which will be complicated, because I am older than Megan. But whatever.

MOBOT engagement photos

MOBOT engagement photos

engagement session Missouri Botanical Gardens

engagement session Missouri Botanical Gardens

Love this one below. The leaves scattered about make me extra happy.

engagement session Missouri Botanical Gardens

And these last ones just might be my favorites! Maybe…I like those ones by the yellow stuff too… I can’t pick. I love them all!

St. Louis Engagement Photos

MOBOT engagement photos


Thanks to Megan and Blake for hanging out with us and for going with the flow! Pumped for your wedding!!

And since you’re all here drooling over these two, I’m gonna go ahead and shamelessly plug our Fall Booking Special…

St. Louis Wedding Photographer

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