SP: Lyssa & Cipi’s St. Louis Engagement Photos!

May 24, 2011

Like how I’ve lost the ambition to type “Sneak Peek?” Really it isn’t a laziness thing its that every single time I type that phrase I have to ask the hubs if I’m supposed to spell it “peek” or “peak” and quite honestly we’re both sick of that nonsense. So SP is is. It worked for Sarah Jessica Parker…

Anyway. This past weekend we joined Lyssa and Cipi for a Lafayette Square engagement session. The location idea was all theirs – I threw out some options and they came back with Lafayette Square. Perfection!

I heart Lyssa & Cipi big much and a lot to me to get to take these photos for them. Taking photos for strangers is great, but taking photos of people you’ve known for a loooong time is even better. But I’ll ramble about that more in the full post, for now enjoy this sneak pea…er…umm… enjoy this preview. Tons more fabulousness to come.

That photo is killing me. It’s everything I love. It’s urban grunge, it’s funky shaped tree, it’s field of flowering weeds. And then, her dress blew in the wind and I nearly died of joy.

Holy goodness. You guys are smokin’!

We finished the day at the graffiti wall. You can expect to hear a lot more about that  : )

Don’t forget to take advantage of the summer sale! Great way to get St. Louis area engagement, family, children, maternity, whatever-else-you-can-think-of photos at a great price!


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